Johannes Steele

John Steel, actually Herbert steel, ( born August 3, 1908 in Elberfeld, now belongs to Wuppertal, † November 30, 1988 in Newton (Connecticut) ) was a German journalist who had to emigrate in 1933 before the Nazi rulers and from 1934 in the USA made ​​as a newspaper columnist, radio commentator and author career.


Herbert Stahl, who was Jewish, was born in Elberfeld. After high school he studied in Heidelberg, Oxford, Geneva and Berlin and worked as a journalist and foreign correspondent for newspapers. Mid-twenties he became a member of the SPD. Shortly after the Nazi seizure of power, he was forced to flee in 1933 over France in the United Kingdom, where he published under the author's name John Steel, a book about the Nazi regime in the autumn of the year ( Hitler as Frankenstein ), which caused a stir because of some been incurred predictions. Early in 1934 he emigrated to the United States continues. He succeeded quickly to establish himself as an expert on political events in Germany professionally feet. First of his articles published in 1934 in The Nation and other magazines. The New York Post hired him as foreign editor and radio stations like WMCA employed him as a commentator. In addition, he even wrote some books and pamphlets and gave 1947 - 1948 own news letter out, the John Steel Report on World Affairs.

Because of its anti-Nazi press articles and books Herbert steel, also known as John Steel, the end of February 1936, expatriated from the German Reich. Its in Germany ( Krefeld ) remaining parents were monitored and harassed by the Gestapo.

In February 1946 candidate John Steel, who had now taken on U.S. citizenship, unsuccessfully for the left-liberal American Labor Party.


  • Hitler as Frankenstein, London: Wishart 1933
  • The Second World War, New York: Covici, Peace Publishers 1934
  • Escape to the present, New York [ ua]: Farrar & Rinehart, 1937 ( autobiography )
  • Men behind the was a " who's who " of our time, New York: Sheridan like 1942, 1943
  • The Future of Europe, New York: Holt 1945