John William Corrington

John William Corrington ( born October 28, 1932 in Memphis, † 24 November 1988 in Malibu, California ) was an American screenwriter.

John William, mostly together with his wife, Joyce Hooper Corrington wrote scripts, created, among others, 1971 The Omega Man ( Charlton Heston, directed by Boris Sagal ), the same year Manfred von Richthofen - The Red Baron ( with John Phillip Law; directed by: Roger Corman ), 1972 Boxcar Bertha; Director: Martin Scorsese and 1973, Battle for the Planet of the Apes ( with Roddy McDowall, Director: J. Lee Thompson)

Altogether emerged in the years 1951 to 2001 (two screenplays have been filmed after his death) ten films and three television series.
