Joseph Heinrich Aloysius Gügler

Joseph Alois Heinrich Gügler (also: Joseph Heinrich Aloysius Gügler; born August 25, 1782 Udligenswil, † February 18, 1827 in Lucerne ) was a Swiss Catholic theologian. One of his major works, the Christian Aesthetics The holy art or the art of Hebrews is concerned with the distinction between Christian and non - Christian art.


Alois Gügler was the son of a farmer and went to Einsiedeln to school. Later he lived in Peter Hausen, he studied in Solothurn and Lucerne. In 1802 he completed his theological studies at Johann Michael Sailer in Landshut. He was Professor of Old and New Testament at the Higher College in Lucerne. In 1805 he was ordained a priest. From 1806 to 1819 he was also professor of pastoral theology.

Gügler admired as a young man the philosopher and theologian Johann Gottfried Herder. Later Gügler was influenced by German idealism and German romanticism. He continued his theology in connection with the philosophy and literature of his time.


  • A few words about the spirit of Christianity and of the literature in relation to the Thaddeus Müller 's writings, 1810
  • The holy art or the art of Hebrew, 1814-18 (3 parts, unfinished)
  • Digits of the Sphinx or types of time, 7 Part, ed. J. Widmer, 1827-40

Pictures of Joseph Heinrich Aloysius Gügler
