Joseph Willibrord Mähler

Willibrord Joseph Anton Johann Mähler ( born June 10, 1778 in Koblenz- Ehrenbreitstein, † June 20, 1860 in Vienna ) was a German painter and composer.


Mähler was a son from the marriage of electoral receding Franz Josef Maehler with Anna Johanna Maehler born Vacano and was born on June 10, 1778 in Ehrenbreitstein. On the same day he was baptized in the name of Johann Willibrord Joseph Anton. The family moved in 1786 to Koblenz. From about 1800, he spent three years studying with Anton Graff in Dresden and from 1803 at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. After graduating, he became an officer in the Secret Cabinet Office in Vienna, 1820 " Offizial " in the House, Court and State, later there Hofkonzipist and Court Secretary, 1849 " Submission Protocol Director".

From 1819 he was also director of the Lithographic offices and wrote the 1835 treatise The lithographic Druckerey the State.

Mählers portraits of Beethoven and other Viennese composers

Mähler learned in the fall of 1803 by his fellow officers Stephan von Breuning his friend Ludwig van Beethoven know from which he created a portrait which today is located in the Beethoven Memorial in Pasqualati house. It presents Beethoven with a lyre in his hand in front of an idealized landscape dar.

1814/15, he made several more portraits of musicians, including once by Beethoven and Johann Nepomuk Hummel, Antonio Salieri, Ignaz von Seyfried and Michael circulation, which came later on Joseph Sonnleithner mainly in the possession of the Society of Friends of Music. Mähler compiled this collection originally for himself, as in 1815 the magazine reported peace leaves:

" Bey our desire to make local artist and art works that are not known by merit, more commonly known, is us the news of the Musicians' Gallery feasts of the Lord that we have randomly obtained by an art lover, been very pleasant; we rush to our readers to give notice of it and to recommend it to their attention. Mr. portraitist banquets, a native of Ehrenbreitstein has begun under the famous, now defunct Graff in Dresden, then studied at the local art academy, and since then his life as an artist in of local imperial city with happiness and honor drey years. Among his greater works, which provide evidence of a seltnen talent and a major championship, we mention only the large oil painting of the emperor, which in Kanzleysaale of Hofkriegsrathsgebäudes, the, tend to be in which the officials envy saved depend, and by the similarity and grandiosity of style captivates the attention of connoisseurs. - As to his gallery excellent sound artist, he has it, created as a lover of the related art of music for his own pleasure, and perfected already 13 images of living or recently deceased composers, bey where you do not know if you more the perfect resemblance or the genuine Seelenmalerey that speaks of them to admire. There are the portraits of Salieri, van Beethoven, Weigl, Gyrowetz, Vanhal Gelinek, Eybler, Hummel, Circulation, Krommer, among others, which make these Seline Gallery, and the Friends of Music, as the Malerey, grant the most surprising pleasure. The gallery is not the way closed, but is propagated continuously by the clever artist through the portraits of his more distinguished art relatives. "

In addition Mähler has released some songs and chamber music works.
