
Kaartinkaupunki ( swedish Guard Staden ) is a branch (Finnish osa - alue ) and a district ( kaupunginosa ) in the center of the Finnish capital Helsinki.

Translated, Kaartinkaupunki as much as " Guard City". The heart of the district forms the Kasarmitori ( " Kasernenplatz "). The name derives from this place - and indirectly for the whole district - was standing on the south side, built in the 1820s, designed by Carl Ludwig Engel barracks. Originally it was the garrison of Helsinki, today it houses the Finnish Ministry of Defence. Is the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland and on the north side of the German library Helsinki on the east side of the square.

With the Esplanadi and the marketplace Kauppatori include some of the most famous sights of Helsinki to Kaartinkaupunki. The district is home to, among others, also the Finnish Museum of Architecture, the Finnish Design Museum and the German church of Helsinki.

Otherwise, located in Kaartinkaupunki primarily offices and other workplaces; Inhabitants, there are only a few hundred.

A street in Kaartinkaupunki
