
Karmadharaya ( कर्मधारय karmadhāraya ) is a term derived from the Sanskrit grammar, which denotes a particular type of compounds. In linguistic terminology, a Karmadharaya is a endozentrisches Determinativkompositum. Here, the final link is qualified by the front member, as opposed to tatpurusha is no Kasusbeziehung between the two components. Rather, the antecedent of an attribute, a comparison object or an apposition to the end link and set in the German Karmadharaya - composites formations such as " red wine" match ( instead of " red wine ").

When Karmadharaya four sub-types can be distinguished:

  • Adjective and noun. Here, the antecedent acts as an attribute to the final link: महाराज maha - rāja " Great King " = " great king ".
  • Noun and adjective. Here, the antecedent acts as a comparison object for final link: मेघश्याम megha - Syama " black clouds " = " black like a cloud".
  • Adjective and adjective. Here, the relationship between the front and final link is coordinatively: पीतरक्त Pita rakta " yellow-red " = " yellow and red "
  • Noun and noun: Here, the antecedent stands in apposition to the final link: मेघदूत megha - Duta " Wolkenbote ". It often increases a comparison is expressed कन्यारत्न kanyāratna " gem girl " = " a girl like a jewel ."

Also the formation of alpha privative ( the negative prefix a- or अ अन् to, eg अकृत a- Krta " undone " ) are counted in Sanskrit to the Karmadharaya - compounds. A special type of Karmadharaya is the Dvigu - compound, wherein the front member consists of a number word.
