
The ( until the 19th century also ) lockup (Latin carcer, enclosure, Dungeons ') until the early 20th century a holding cell in universities and schools. The term has also been used for detention cells in Soviet POW camps - карцер.

  • 5.1 Tartu ( Dorpat )
  • 5.2 Riga
  • 6.1 Ansbach
  • 6.2 Prenzlau
  • 6.3 Zerbst

The particular status of members of the university

The lockup is probably folkloristischste part which is to be expected for the field of academic jurisdiction. First of all descriptions from the 19th century and the colorful design of the Karzerräume help that he is today perceived only as an amusing Misconduct. But this perception falls short and only affects the final phase, especially the period after the abolition of all special courts in the German Reich by the Judicature Act, 1879.

The University Archives Leipzig performs a comprehensive database on the occupants of the Karzers.

The " educational " detention

Even in the 20th century, the setting ( prison serving ) of students was permitted by its university and high school students through their school. Most German Universitätskarzer were released in the years 1910 until 1914. Karzerstrafe was admitted at some universities until the early 1930s; only the disciplinary regulations in the period of National Socialism saw officially and far- Karzerhaft as a punitive measure against students no longer present. In schools the lockup but still lives on in the educational measure of detentions. The university or Schulkarzer were guarded in the University of Pedellen or the provost or Karzerwärter.

The dilution of the "Education Instruments "

While the Karzerstrafe in the early days of academic jurisdiction was a criminal instrument yet, which was understood as a serious infringement of personal freedom of students, the respect for this institution declined particularly during the 19th century rapidly. It was considered a matter of honor for a student to have during his student days at least once served a Karzerstrafe. This event was also duly committed, as evidenced by the little reflective wall, table and door paintings that are still shown as a museum tourist attraction in the university towns. It was part of the " code of honor " between Pedellen and Einsitzendem that only those caught in the act caught in the act ornaments Karzers were punished and removed. So the high art was to distract so when leaving the Karzers that the new decorations were not noticed by the beadle, so they remained preserved for posterity. On the other hand, was up to the Pedellen also catering for a seat ends on whose account and thus provided significant additional income.

Since the students had to eat in a detention cell in the rule itself and also could receive visitors, it was easy to let the " punishment" to a social event will be with excessive alcohol consumption, which is repeatedly reported in sources of the 19th century.

Still got detention in Germany

The surviving detention in Germany are cultural monuments are all listed building. Specifically located in the following (former) university towns still lockup, most of which can sometimes be visited by appointment only, as students museum at any time.


Former University of Altdorf ( Altdorf bei Nürnberg): The most famous occupant of the Karzers to Wallenstein have been during his student days in Altdorf ( 1599/1600 ). Friedrich Schiller has given this event a monument ( " Wallenstein's Camp ", Seventh appearance ):

The Altdorfer lockup bore the name of the dog-hole.


" Michael's Road, at the corner of the formerly used by the University with St. Michael's Church ( Err 1183/1200, Gothic rebuilding 13th century) stands. LUTHER, who visited the church during his Erfurt period of study, preached here on 21 October 1522. the small cemetery located inter alia grave times Erfurt University professors. opposite the church are the remains of the Collegium maius (1510 /13) in 1392, founded by the citizens of Erfurt, and especially in the 15th century major university (the third oldest on the bottom of today's Germany to see) ( 11). the series of lectures included lecture hall, lockup, anatomical theater and other university buildings. , 1944, the late-Gothic building was destroyed. In dating from the 19th century rear building (No. 39) will include the famous manuscript collection of Amplonius Ratingk DE BERCKA kept. Amploniana the is the largest still closed surviving manuscript collection (979 codices ) of a medieval scholar of 14-15. century at all. "


Get the detention of the Friedrich -Alexander -University Erlangen -Nuremberg in Erlangen from the period 1828 to 1897 in the 2nd floor of the former water tower in the Apple Route 12, where in one of the rooms still suffering from murals are seen. Previously there was the detention of the University from 1743 to 1745 in the tower of the church of St. Sophia in the main road 14, then in the attic of the old university building in the main street 18 ( after its first occupant " Neumaiers castle "), and finally to move to the water tower in 1828 in the attic of the house Redoute. From 1839 onwards we used the located on the edge of the castle garden water tower as a detention room. This was in 1870 by the removal of the upper floors of its present appearance. Finally, the detention from 1897 to 1913 was in the attic of the "Old Kollegienhaus " at Castle Garden 3, today Geological Institute, housed. 1913 abolished the university from the Karzerstrafe.


The historical detention room for students of the Mining Academy in Freiberg, Freiberg, to visit the historic building Academy 6, is the only surviving detention room at a German technical university or technical university. It was used in the mid- 19th century and documented with its numerous murals and inscriptions student everyday life of the period.

Freiburg im Breisgau

Detention of the Albert- Ludwigs- University.

Two years after the founding of the University of Giessen, a separate annex next to the main entrance of the University donated the armory was built in 1609 at the fire place. The Karzerbau left today are regarded as the first construction project of the University and was used until 1879.


Georg-August -Universität Göttingen: Studentenkarzer (Göttingen)

The detention of the Georg -August- University of Göttingen was moved in the 19th century due to the expansion of the University Library under the roof of the auditorium at William Square, including a cell door of the old Karzers and thereon the Graffiti Bismarck, which in the meantime, however, the last in Bismarck Göttingen Student Apartment, the Bismarckhäuschen, is located.

In the 1820s, when Heinrich Heine was staying in Göttingen, a janitor named Brühbach was responsible for the operation of the Karzers, but obviously enjoyed no great respect from the students. So Heine reported in its Harzreise of the following story:

" After I had somewhat appeased my stomach, I noticed in the same Wirtsstube a gentleman with two ladies who were about to leave. This gentleman was dressed all green, even wearing a green glasses. [ ... ] The Green wished that I would like to recommend him for a hotel in Göttingen, and I advised him to check there from the first best students, the Hotel de Brühbach. [ ... ] Both ladies asked me at the same time: if at the Hotel de Brühbach lodged also ordinary people. I said I did it with a clear conscience, and drove off as the sweet clover, I greeted once again out of the window. The sun smiled even smart host and might well know that the lockup is called by the students in Göttingen Hotel de Brühbach. "


At the Ernst- Moritz- Arndt- University of Greifswald in the Auditorium Maximum ( Rubenowstr. 3) a detention room. There are regular tours of the Custody of the University. The detention also served already as a motive for beer glasses and other souvenirs, particularly in the context of the 550th anniversary of the founding of the University of Greifswald in 2006.


Ruprecht -Karls -Universität Heidelberg: Heidelberger lockup

Mark Twain reported in his travelogue A Tramp Abroad via the Heidelberg lockup.


The detention of the Friedrich -Schiller- University Jena was used from 1548 to 1908 and was for up to nine Karzerräume. Incarcerated are seen graffiti Swiss cartoonist Martin Disteli who was imprisoned here in 1822.



The still upstairs of the so-called Old University, Philipps - University Marburg existing Karzerraum has acquired no more importance to the actual academic jurisdiction. The building was completed in 1879. At this time the Judicature Act was already in force from 1 October 1879 has been explained by the jurisdiction within the exclusive competence of the state. Today Marburger lockup thus found only in disciplinary action, and occasionally at the request also at shorter (up to 14 days ) District Court sentences, use. In this sense, sat here 1879-1931 approximately 230 students (after Bickert / Nail, 2013, p 38) a; Students were not among them. The inmates left their mark not only by wall decorations with which they manifested mainly belonging to various student societies, but also in the out by the respective Karzerwärter " guest books " as well as a guided from the University Court Criminal List; the latter are all visible in the Marburg University Archives. From these sources we also know that there have been several previous spaces of the still existing Karzers before 1879, for example, temporarily in the upper floor of the so-called " horse house " ( corner Barfüßerstr. / Am Plan ) and previously four rooms with the name " Sanssouci ", " Avecsouci ", " Friedrich peace " and " Bellevue " in the former Dominican monastery, the " Old University " had to give way from 1872/73 the university building, today. The Philipps- University Marburg, founded in 1527, received the charter of freedom of the Landgrave Philip the Magnanimous of 1529 awarded the simple justice, while the sovereign jurisdiction of the higher self reserved. The transitions were fluid and provided space for numerous disputes. Celebrity Incarcerated Inmate was Mikhail Lomonosov in 1737, where his teachers Christian Wolff by paying a fee ( " carcer redemption" ) of three Reichstalern had saved a day of two-day detention. In the 1850s, the chemist Johann Peter semolina made ​​repeated acquaintance with the University of Marburg in prison.


In Tübingen the oldest extant academic detention is to be visited, which from 1515 to 1845 "in operation" was.

Outside Germany

Tartu ( Dorpat )

A historic detention cell is located at the University of Tartu ( Dorpat ) in Estonia in the attic of the main university building. It was damaged by fire in the 1960s. The subsequent restoration in the Soviet era has can not save each destroyed " mural " or any ancient inscription. The detention can be visited.


The University of Latvia in Riga: The from the Riga Polytechnic Institute, founded in 1862 emerged ( with German Language ) Riga Technical University had modeled after German universities and the neighboring Baltic University of Dorpat (Tartu ) a detention room, which is now preserved as a museum space and can be visited.



In one of the lower floors of the tower of the school Carolinum there is still a lockup from the 30s of the 18th century. However, this is not publicly available.


In high school, " Carl -Friedrich- Grabow " in house "A", but there is a lockup.

Students can stay there when they have time off or need to be picked up for health reasons, as well, when they are no longer admitted through delays in the classroom.


In Francisceum the inscriptions reminiscent of the walls of the Karzers to the university and school.
