Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

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The prefectural Medical Kyoto University (Japanese京都 府 立 医科大学, Kyōto- Furitsu ika daigaku; engl Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, in short. Furitsu Idai (府 立 医 大) ) is a public university in Japan. It is located in the district Kamigyo -ku the city of Kyoto.


The university has trained its origin in the prefectural hospital was founded in 1872 Ryōbyōin (疗 病院) in which Japanese and European doctors in addition to their medical practice young Japanese. The first European doctor was Ferdinand Adalbert Junker of Langegg (see O- yatoi gaikokujin ). He was followed by George Constant van Mansvelt (1832-1912) and Heinrich Botho Scheube. The hospital and medical school were first in the Buddhist temple Shoren - in (青莲 院), in July 1880 they moved to the present campus in order.

1882 The School was recognized by the Ministry of Education as a professional school of Medicine and subsequently expanded to various departments. In 1903 she was converted to the prefectural Medical Professional School Kyoto, 1921 she rose to the new Higher Education Act according to prefectural Medical University of Kyoto on. The university was not merged into the state Kyoto University as other prefectural medical universities (eg, Osaka and Nagoya ), because she judged to freedom from direct management by the Japanese Ministry of Education ( today: MEXT ).

Since 2008, the Medical University and the University of Kyoto Prefecture are supported by a prefectural university corporation.


  • Faculty of Medicine Department of Medicine
  • Department of Nursing