Lai da Palpuogna


The Palpuognasee lake (Romanesque Lai da Palpuogna ) is a lake in the canton of Graubünden in the Swiss Alps. It is located at 1,918 m above sea level. M. Preda above.

Location / Surroundings

The meaning of the name Palpuogna is not known, but is the oldest of traditional name in connection with the history of Berguen first mentioned in 1139 in connection with the determination of the episcopal area.

The lake is located about eight kilometers above Berguen on a distinctive stepped valley at the foot of Piz Palpuogna and can be reached via the Albula Pass road. The right side of the valley is marked by Piz and Piz Üertsch Muot. From the lake to the Albula Pass there are about five kilometers.

The water of the lake with its clear blue - green color scheme, especially in the fall when the larch trees surrounding it are yellow, a color match.


The water of the original natural lake was already used in 1898 to generate electric power. To this end the level by a low wall slightly (about 30 cm) was increased. Thus, the Palpuognasee lake has since been a reservoir. The water is led through a pressure line to Preda where electric power is generated. That time the work to generate electricity for the building of the Albula tunnel was built, and is now in possession of the power station Berguen. The lake was built during the construction period from 1899 to 1903 also removed water to operate the Brandt - rock drilling machines of the northern section. These drills possessed a pressurized water drive.

The lake bed has many craters from which escape natural gases. In places, the lake has a double bottom, ie, an underground Seekammer.

In June 2007, the lake was chosen in a poll of SF 1 for " the most beautiful places in Switzerland ."
