
58.96055622.536389Koordinaten: 58 ° 58 'N, 22 ° 32' O

Lauka is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Kõrgessaare ( Kõrgessaare vald ). It is the second largest Estonian island of Hiiumaa ( German Dagö ).

Description and History

Lauka ( German Lauk ) has 153 inhabitants (as at 31 December 2011). The place more than twelve kilometers to the southwest of the island's capital Kärdla ( Kertel ). Lauka located in a karst area.

The settlement was first mentioned in 1564 as Farbechshoff or Loukahoff. A year later the " Gutsgebiet Lauck " is listed. It became the Beigut ( manor ) of the estate of Kõrgessaare ( High beam ). From 1781 both goods were in one hand. The two avenues that led to the mansion, put on at the turn of the 19th to 20th century, a native of Schwerin forester Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Ahrens ( 1855-1938 ). The historic farm house of Lauka was destroyed during the First World War.

1900 was the first school building in Lauka. A second was built in 1939. The current school building dates from 1971.
