Lil Bub

Lil Bub (born 21 June 2011) is a female cat, acquired through its striking appearance notoriety. Their owner is Mike Bridavsky.


As of early January 2014, Lil ' Bubs has May 27, 2012 Opened Facebook page has more than 600,000 " Likes" or more information. The Internet search engine Google returns when you enter the search term " Lil Bub " nearly 2.2 million hits.

The first photo of Lil Bub was released in November 2011 on Tumblr and then spread on Reddit. On 8 November 2011, the first video titled good job bub.3gp was uploaded on YouTube. The appointed on 12 October 2011 Youtube channel is currently recording ( in early 2014 ) over 86,000 subscribers and nearly eleven million video views. On the photo - and video - sharing platform Instagram as well as the micro-blogging service Twitter has Lil Bub above about 308,000 and 29,000 so-called followers, follow the publications of diverse content.


Lil Bubs reputation is based largely on its striking appearance. She came in June 2011 with various genetic mutations to the world, had to be fed by bottle and could hardly be taught first. When her later owner, Mike Bridavsky, she saw for the first time, he took it up and said, "Hey, boy! ". Lil boy suffers both polydactyly and genetically related feline Dwarfismus who explains her expression. Due to a shortened mandible and its toothless her tongue is exposed permanently what their appetite but not impaired. She suffers in addition to a rare form of osteopetrosis and therefore receives medication. The shortened because of their minority growth legs impair their ability to move around. Thanks to a treatment with a sling Assisi, a device for electromagnetic therapy, their suffering could be alleviated.

Bridavsky sells various items of merchandise bearing the likeness of Lil Bub and donates a portion of the proceeds to various organizations and institutions such as animal shelters. A book titled Lil Lil Bub's Book: The Extraordinary Life of the Most Amazing Cat on the Planet was published on 3 September 2013.

Lil boy took part in a campaign by the animal rights organization PETA and campaigns for the castration and sterilization of pets.


Lil Bub occurred at Good Morning America in August 2012. In October 2012 she took part in a photo shoot with Bullett Magazine. It was also shown in the December / January issue 2012/2013 of the Bloom Magazine. In April 2013, it appeared in the U.S. television programs Today and The View. She also appeared in the YouTube Big Live Comedy Show with Jack McBrayer and the sitcom Workaholics.

Lil Bub occurs include with Grumpy Cat in the produced by Vice Magazine Documentary "Lil Bub & Friendz " on which on April 18, 2013 had its premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival and the 10,000 U.S. dollar title for the Tribeca online Festival Best feature Film won.
