
Linnea (also Linnéa, Linea, Linnaea, short form: Nea ) is a female first name of Swedish origin, which is distributed mainly in Sweden, Finland and Norway.

  • 8.1 General
  • 8.2 Statistics

Origin and Meaning

There are two derivations of the first name Linnea (stress on the penultimate syllable ), which directly or indirectly relate to the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus.

  • After the common derivation of the first name goes back to the botanical genus name of the Nordic Twinflower. The Moosglöckchen ( Linnaea borealis L.) is said to be the favorite flower of Carl Linnaeus ( 1707-1778 ), the Carl Linnaeus called himself since his elevation to the peerage in 1756. Linnaeus conveyor January Frederik Gronovius gave the genus in 1737 the name Linnaea.
  • In honor of Linnaeus were named after Linnaeus' original family name Linnaeus Swedish boys. The female form of the first name Linnaea or Linnea was it formed by Movierung.

Both derivations are likely but not confirmed by literary sources.

On the origin of the family name Linnaeus: Linnaeus became the first in his family except the father name of a family name. He named the family after a giant linden (Swedish lind ), who stood on his father's court.


Sweden. The first name was in Sweden at the earliest to Linnaeus (1707-1778) during his lifetime in use. At least since the 1840s, the first name in Sweden was known. Apparently Linnea was such a familiar first name in the 1860s that he even gave its name to a children's magazine. During the first name of 1920 did not belong to the end of the century to the 10 most popular female name in Sweden, he made it back to about 2000 in the front ranks. This applies to the annual rebirths and the total percentage of the female population.

From Sweden, the first name is widespread in Finland and Norway. In other European countries, the first name seems to be no common or rare. This also applies to Austria and Switzerland. In Germany the first name Linnea became common in the 1980s and is one of the rare first name.

Finland. In Finland contributed to 1899 about 400 women the name Linnea / Linnéa. By late 2011, there have been almost 33,000 women in Finland with the name Linnea / Linnéa and about 6,500 named Nea. The first name Linnea / Linnéa never belonged since 1900 to the present to the 10 most popular female name.

Norway. In Norway, the first name Linnea has been known since 1900. By 2000, the proportion of the female population of just over 0 %, rose to 2006 to 1.6% and has since declined again. In 2011, Linnea / Linea finished in 5th place in the statistics of the most popular female name.


  • Linnéa
  • Linea
  • Linnaea, obsolete form of the first name
  • Nea, short form of Linnea and independent first name.
  • Lynnea, American (but see also: Lynn )


The name day in Sweden, May 13 in Finland, August 3.

Name winners

First name

  • Linnea Ericsson ( born 1979 ), Danish jumper
  • Linnea Gustafsson ( born 1986 ), Swedish orienteer
  • Linnea Henriksson ( born 1986 ), Swedish singer and songwriter
  • Linnea Liljegärd (* 1988), Swedish football player
  • Linnea Torstensson ( b. 1983 ), Swedish handball player
  • Linnea Quigley (born 1958 ), American actress ( Damn, the zombies come )
  • Linnea Jönsson, Swedish musician, singer of the indie pop band Those Dancing Days

Fictional characters

  • Linnea is the title character in a children's book series by Kirsten Boie.
  • Linnéa is the title character in children's non-fiction books of the Swede Christina Björk.
  • Linnéa is the title of a song by Evert Taube.


  • The asteroid is named after Linnaea Linnaea Keammerer Barton ( 1980-1992 ).