List of airports in Estonia

The list of airports in Estonia contains the most important airports in Estonia.

One of the five main airports are respectively the characteristic data IATA Code, ICAO Code, the year of opening, use the number, the nature of the runways and the city in which the airport is situated, stated.


  • Airport Name: Lists the name of the airport as well as any additional names.
  • IATA Code: The code consists of a combination of three Latin letters and is used to uniquely identify the individual airports. The IATA code is assigned by the International Air Transport Association (IATA ).
  • ICAO code: The ICAO code is assigned by the International Civil Aviation Organization and consists of a unique combination of four Latin letters. This EP represents Poland.
  • Opening: Denotes the year in which the airport was opened.
  • Use: Specifies what the airport will be used. That may be, civil, military or general aviation.
  • R: R stands for Runway. Reports the number of runways of the airport. These may consist of asphalt ( marked A ), concrete (B ) or grass (G ) exist.
  • City: Name the city where the airport is situated.

Major airports in Estonia with IATA and ICAO code
