Luther (1928 film)

Luther - A film of the German Reformation is a German historical film by Hans Kyser from the 1927 silent film emphasizes Luther as a fighter for the gospel, who wants to create a new church, and corresponds with the representation of the Reformer as " German hero of Protestantism ." the spirit of the times.


The film begins with Martin Luther Studied law. Further, some fictional scenes Luther youth can be seen. Thus, as shown Luther attended a small village school and the students, excited to escape the rigor of their teacher, are excited about the mild and lively Luther. They run after him into the open. Luther plays his stringed instrument for the kids and they listen to his music. Also, the village school teacher listens and is pleased with the change in everyday life. But there are dark days in Martin Luther's life. In a duel, a friend of his is stabbed by a sword blow. Luther is shaken and distraught.

It follows the familiar thunderstorm experience of Luther. Luther, come in a heavy storm, swears he should survive the storm, he would go to the monastery. He survives the storm and becomes a monk. In the monastery he devotes himself excessively to the monastic life. He fasts and scourges himself to absolute exhaustion. Father Staupitz 's worried about the young monk. He brings him to read the Bible. Martin begins his assiduous study of the Bible and one day he makes the discovery that God is not wrathful judge. His fasting and self- scourging was the wrong way, because God will show mercy.

Martin Luther, now a doctor of theology in Wittenberg, learns that Tetzel sold indulgences to the faithful. Therefore proposes to Luther 's 95 Theses against indulgences this practice at the Castle Church in Wittenberg. But the higher clergy reacted and Luther eventually must be at the Diet of Worms brought before the Emperor. He is revoked. Luther, however, remains steadfast and does not recant. After the Reichstag Luther wants to travel back to Wittenberg, but on his way home he is attacked and kidnapped at the Wartburg. There he is safe from the reach of the emperor and the pope, you saved him. In this place he began his translation of the Bible.

The film ends with the iconoclasm in Wittenberg and Luther's return to the city.


Authority of the film was the " Luther- film monument. Central Office for the creation of a Luther Films ". It is financed by donations and he was shot in the UFA Studios, Berlin. The production company Cob film also took over the distribution of the film.

In the unofficial Nuremberg premiere of the film on December 17, 1927 as the censorship documents, there was " cause for serious clashes between representatives of the Catholic and the Protestant creed ." Following complaints by the Catholic Church, the film received some censorship restrictions. After several times have undergone censorship, the film was finally released. The actual premiere then took place in Berlin's UFA - Palast am Zoo on February 16, 1928.

The silent film, Luther received a copy of the German Film Institute in Wiesbaden and was released on DVD. The original music by Wolfgang Zeller was found in the Filmmuseum Frankfurt.
