Magliano de' Marsi

Magliano de ' Marsi is a village with 3739 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) in Abruzzo in Italy.

The place was in the Middle Ages next to L' Aquila one of the major trading centers for saffron. This, as a spice and as a fabric dye equally sought after, was at times more expensive than gold outweighed.

The municipality of Magliano de ' Marsi include the districts Marano and Rosciolo. Surrounding municipalities are Borgorose (RI ), L'Aquila, Massa d' Albe, Rocca di Mezzo, Sante Marie, Scurcola Marsicana, Tagliacozzo


The parish church of S. Lucia in 1915 was almost completely destroyed, the present building is a reconstruction. However, the portal dates from the 15th century. It is unusual compared to the other church facades of the region that lies directly over the rose a Renaissance window.

Outside the village in the district Rosciolo di Magliano de ' Marsi is the small church of Santa Maria in Valle Porclaneta from the 11th century.
