Manuel De Blas

Manuel De Blas (actually, Manuel de Blas Muñoz, born April 12, 1941 in Badajoz ) is a Spanish actor.


De Blas lived after leaving his hometown of two years in Cordoba, before he studied political science in Madrid. During his studies he attended a drama school and received 1961 in Rosa de Lima a first film role. By 2010, his filmography includes approximately 180 entries; to 1980 he almost only supporting roles were there (often as a villain ) intended for in movies, then he also played major roles for the cinema and, more frequently, in television series, so he eventually was one of the stars of Spanish cinema, in important and controversial films occurred. His films can be found next commercial Genre goods such as horror movies and comedies, as well as Western works of Carlos Saura and Gonzalo Súarez.

1992 De Blas was awarded the Premio Nacional de Teatro.

From 1967 until her death in 2013, De Blas was married to his colleague, Patty Shepard, whom he met during the filming of Cita en Navarra.

Filmography (selection)
