Margański & Mysłowski

Zakad Remontów i Produkcji Sprzętu Lotniczego ( ZRPSL ) is a Polish special tools for the production of plastic parts and aircraft. The company was founded in 1986 in Bielsko, Poland by Edward MARGANSKI. It initially focused on the repair of gliders.

The offer was extended to the rebuilding and reconstruction of historical aircraft, including for the Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow.

In 1990, a contract was concluded with the Swift Ltd., a British glider manufacturers, who had to develop a new aerobatic sailplane, the Swift S- 1 to the contents. Shortly thereafter granted the company MDM Ltd.. a similar contract for the development of a two-seat glider, the MDM -1 Fox, the first in the world, which was also two-seater allowed for the complete aerobatic program. Jerzy macular won on this machine in 1993 his fifth glider aerobatics championship.

In cooperation with the EUROS GmbH is also deals with the production of a 1 MW wind turbine.

With the extensive experience in the processing of fiber-reinforced plastics is concerned with the development of ZRPSL EM-10 Bielik, a jet trainer with unusual ways.

With the twin-engined aircraft ZRPSL EM -11 Orka a twin-engine, four-seat aircraft for general aviation was developed.
