Maschinenfabrik Liezen und Gießerei

Maschinenfabrik Liezen and Foundry GmbH (MFL ) is a metal processing company in Lienzen. It is an important industrial location in the Styrian Enns Valley.

The factory was founded in 1939 under the name " Schmid Liezen " and had various names over the years; among other things, it belonged to the United Austrian steel mills ( VOEST ). The work became famous through Noricum scandal.

1939 - 1946: Schmid Liezen 1946 - 1954: Liezen 1954 - 1973: Vöst 1973 - 1987: voestalpine 1987 - 1989: Noricum 1989 - 1994: Maschinenfabrik Liezen since 1994: Maschinenfabrik Liezen and Foundry GmbH

The Managing Director of MFL are Heinrich Oberhuber, Erwin Schneller and Erwin Haider.
