
38.482515.990555555556Koordinaten: 38 ° 29 ' N, 15 ° 59 ' E

Medma (Greek Μέδμα, also Mesma ) was an ancient Greek city on the west coast of Southern Italy in Magna Graecia in present-day Calabria.

The city was founded at the beginning of the 6th century BC as a colony of Locri. Around 500 BC they fought with her mother and the town also founded by Locri Hipponion successfully against Croton, 422 BC against Locri. From the tyrant Dionysius I of Syracuse, a part of the population was 396 BC forcibly relocated by Messana.

An archaeological finds of the corridor Pian delle Vigne, about 200 meters east of the city Rosarno especially terracottas excavated as architectural elements and votive offerings since the late 19th century in the fields. A variety of properties are in the collections of the Museo Nazionale della Magna Grecia.

From Medma probably came the philosopher Philip of Opus.
