Mercury(II) sulfate

  • Mercuric
  • Sulphate of mercuric

White solid


6.47 g · cm -3

Decomposition at 450 ° C

Decomposition in water


0.1 mg · m-3

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Mercury ( II) sulfate is a chemical compound of the heavy metal mercury, with molecular formula HgSO4. When heated to about 450 ° C or high-energy light to decompose the material and form of elemental mercury, and sulfur oxides. As the connection itself, these are extremely toxic and should not be inhaled.

Production and representation

Mercury ( II) sulfate may be made of mercury, and concentrated sulfuric acid.

It can be crystallized only from sulfuric acid solution due to the formation in aqueous solution sparingly soluble basic mercuric sulfate HgSO4 · 2HgO. This is a pale yellow powder, which was decomposed to light and formerly used in pharmacy.


Mercury ( II) sulfate is a white, non-flammable powder. In its decomposition temperature of 450 ° C and decomposes it glows in mercury, sulfur dioxide, and to a lesser extent, also in sulfur trioxide.


Mercury ( II) sulfate is used as catalyst in the production of acetaldehyde from acetylene and water. This methyl mercury as a by- product.


Mercury ( II) sulfate is a toxic substance, both for animals and for human beings. Mercury sulfate is an environmental poison and should not be disposed in the normal way, as it poses a threat particularly for waters and their inhabitants.
