Michael J. Lambert

Michael J. Lambert ( born July 17, 1944) is an American psychotherapy researcher and psychotherapist and former president of the Society for Psychotherapy Research He is professor of psychology at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. His research focus is psychotherapy outcome research (English psychotherapy outcome research), particularly the effect of feedback on the course of treatment of psychotherapy. With the help of the developed by him Outcome Questionnaire ( OQ -45, OQ - 45.2 ) (Eng. result questionnaire, EB -45), among others problematic courses of therapy (eg, symptom worsening, suicidality ) reported back to the therapist. Also, the effect of feedback to patients is being explored by him and his group.

Since 2004 he has been editor of the Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change, a standard work of psychotherapy research.
