Miguel Hesayne

Miguel Esteban Hesayne ( born December 26, 1922 in Azul ) is a retired bishop of Viedma.


Miguel Hesayne received on 12 December 1948, the ordination.

Paul VI. appointed him on April 5, 1975 Bishop of Viedma. The Bishop of Azul, Manuel Marengo, ordained him on June 4 of that year to the bishop; Co-consecrators were Eduardo Francisco Pironio, Bishop of Mar del Plata, and Miguel Angel Aleman Eslava SDB, Bishop of Río Gallegos. It was introduced into office on July 8, 1975.

Hesayne belonged alongside Enrique Angelelli, Jaime de Nevares and Jorge Novak of the few Argentine bishops who openly opposed the military dictatorship and their practice of disappearances, politically disagreeable people. 1985, after the return to democracy, he testified in the trial of the military juntas as a witness.

On 28 June 1995 Hesayne resigned from his post. In the 1990s he became a sharp critic of the neoliberal policies of the governments of Carlos Menem and Fernando de la Rúa. In 1999, he wrote an open letter to the President Menem after he had called a liar because of his warnings of an increase in poverty the chief of the Caritas Argentina, Rafael Rey. In the letter Hesayne wrote the President: "With your political deception You can even deceive the Pope, but not the Lord of the Church and of history, Jesus Christ, the only one, what we have really done for the poor. " Had Menem 1993 by Pope John Paul II received an award for his tough stance against abortion.

In 2000 Hesayne wrote another open letter to the President de la Rúa. In it he expressed his opinion expression, the supporters and representatives of neo-liberal policies that endanger the lives of millions, should be excluded from Communion: " We affirm outright that anyone who performs an abortion or supported, ipso facto excluded from the Eucharist if he does not repent. But is it permissible for a Christian who actually brings the ideology of neoliberalism, which millions of citizens into a deadly situation [ ... ], represents, receives the sacrament? Is not that the crimes of abortion ' done to the already born? "
