Minister of Māori Affairs

The Minister of Māori Affairs for the affairs of the natives of New Zealand, the Māori, minister in charge of the Government of New Zealand. Current incumbent is Pita Sharples from the Maori Party.

The Minister of Māori Affairs plays a slightly different role than other New Zealand Minister. In addition to the supervision of Te Puni Kokiri his ministry, (English: Ministry of Māori Development ), he also has expertise in the area of ​​responsibility of other ministries, they insofen the Māori concern. Thus, the involvement of the Minister would of expected in the development of guidelines for the teaching of language in the education ministry, though otherwise the education policy falls exclusively within the competence of Erziehungmsinisteriums.


Before the self-government of New Zealand were the Maori Affairs ( in particular the acquisition of lands of Māori by the crown) issue of the Governor General.

The office was originally named Minister of Native Affairs (Minister of Native Affairs ) or short Native Minister. Most of the early incumbents were not Māori, although an agreement was that Māori should sit in the Cabinet (though not necessarily as a minister ).

It was not until the eighteenth Minister James Carroll of the Liberal Party, who took office in 1899, Māori had. Another significant Māori incumbent was Apirana Ngata, also a liberal. But most ministers remain Pākehā, although they used regularly Māori as a consultant. Maui Pomare of the Reform Party and Eruera Tirikatene of the Labour Party are examples of such politicians, who played an important role in the ministry without themselves being incumbent. According to Carroll and Ngata the next incumbent māorischer Matiu Rata was descent ( 33 ministers, tenure 1972-1975 ).

Today, the major parties as a spokesperson in matters of Māori and, if possible Māori Minister put an. The Labour Party had since the 1970's continuously Māori in this role, the National Party, both Māori and Pākehā. The spokesman for the National Party to Māoriangelegenheiten is Georgina Te Heuheu, which took over the fifth government of the National Party in November 2008, the post of Associate Minister of Maori Affairs.

List of Minister of Māori Affairs

The table lists the authorities responsible for matters of Māori Minister (Minister of Native Affairs, on December 17, 1947 Minister of Māori Affairs ) on. The list outlines the incumbent to as Māori, which are primarily māorischer descent or who have a sufficient cultural background to be considered as Māori.
