Modular Audio Recognition Framework

The Modular Audio Recognition Framework (English: Modular Audio Recognition Framework, MARF ) is a collection of algorithms written in Java, which are used in the voice, speech, noise and text recognition. The framework is modular and thus facilitates the integration of new algorithms. MARF serves as algorithms library for your own software projects and is suitable as a source for independent learning and exploring the algorithms provided. MARF has detailed documentation in the form of a User Guide, API Reference in Javadoc format as well as a variety of application examples. The entire framework is released for use under the BSD license.


  • Modular Audio Recognition Framework. In: MARF, The Modular Audio Recognition Framework and its Applications. Accessed on 10 August 2007.
  • S. M. Bernsee: The DFT à pied. In: The DFT à pied. Accessed on 9 August 9, 2005.
  • Douglas O'Shaughnessy: Speech Communications. IEEE Press. New Jersey, U.S., 2000, ISBN.