Morazán, El Progreso

Morazán on the map of Guatemala

Morazán is a 2,500 inhabitants counting place and a municipality in the department of El Progreso in Guatemala. It is located 102 km northeast of Guatemala City and 31 km north- west of Guastatoya altitude of 350 meters. A few kilometers south of the town along the national road 17 runs (CA 14) 9 leads to the north of El Rancho on the Atlantic Highway CA in the Verapaz region.

The 329 km ² large municipality extends between the Sierra de Chuacús and the Sierra de las Minas in the north and the valley of the Río Motagua in the south. It has a total of about 13,000 inhabitants of which the majority live in smaller rural settlements and villages, including San Clemente, Los Aristondos, Marajuma, El Bijagual, San Vicente, El Cerro Grande and Portezuelo.

Adjacent Municipalities are San Jerónimo ( Baja Verapaz ) in the north, San Agustín Acasaguastlán in the east, and Guastatoya Sanarate in the south, as well as Salamá in the West in the neighboring department of Baja Verapaz.

Morazán was formerly indigenous name Tocoy Tzima, which means " black wasp ". 1887, the town was renamed in honor of the Central American statesman José Francisco Morazán Quezada. The place belonged to the department of Baja Verapaz 1934.
