
Motilin is a gastrointestinal peptide hormone ( whose numbers decreasing from duodenum to ileum) is formed in the M- cells of the small intestine and is distributed together with ghrelin. The peptide consists of 22 amino acids.


By attaching to the motilin receptor ( in mucosa, myenteric plexus, small intestinal muscles, Purkinje cells) motilin dissolves in the stomach and intestine of interdigestive motility. Gallstone patients in a Chinese study elevated blood motilin levels. Motilin may play a role in the body's response to acupuncture. Using the function in Purkinje cells is not yet known.


Stimulus for secretion: high-fat meals, stomach expansion, bile and decrease of pH in the duodenum. The control of secretion occurs even neuronal and serotonin.

Certain antibiotics ( macrolides ) act on the motilin receptor agonists and thus trigger gastrointestinal disorders.
