
The Narrhalla Marsch ( Original title: "Mainz Narhalla March" ) is one of the most important pieces of music of the Mainzer Fastnacht ( Meenzer Fassenacht ).

Origin and use

The first Carnival parades satirized the military traditions of the Prussian and French military - as symbols of the ruling par excellence. Also the Narrhalla march that accompanies the collection of fools and fools today in countless celebrations ( cap sessions), came over the military in the carnival. Narrhalla the march of the French composer Adolphe Adam was composed ( 1803-1856 ). Adam wrote the march in 1838 for his opera " Le Brasseur de Preston " ( " The brewer of Preston "). The living at this time in Mainz Austrian regimental bandmaster Carl Zulehner (1805-1847), one of the founding members of the company founded in the same year Mainzer Carneval -Verein (MCV ), borrowed motifs from the opera and took it in the " Jocus March", the later " Narrhalla march" together, in 1840 in the "new plant " experienced its world premiere (see " Rhineland " 1840).

The name Narrhalla march goes back to a word game in which the words fool and Walhalla were combined to form the usual from the beginning " Narrhalla " as a gathering of fools.

Since 1856, the march is published by Schott.


One of the many legends surrounding Narrhalla Narrhalla According to the kingdom of eternal carnival, to be a land of plenty for carnival. The male ( and only this ) inhabitants are called Narrhallesen. This also results in the form of greeting in many carnival sessions: "Dear fools and Narrhallesen ".

The Mainz call themselves the Narrhalla march: " Ritzamba " ( Wortverballhornung ). The Mainzer vernacular but spun own development version of that name. It is reported that " Ritzamba " would go to a French general named Riçambeau back who wanted to ban the carnival. At the start of carnival time then a music corps had moved before his residence to play the Narrhalla march and to the melody of the text

To sing.

Until now there is for this legend, however, no scientific evidence, not even the existence of General Riçambeau could be proved. According to the current state of the local research is an onomatopoeia to give the wordless melody, a word can stand - described in the first edition of the " Mainzer dictionary " so already over 50 years ago. The more meaningless text (" oh what habbe the Meenzer Meedscher Scheene ( Scheppe ) Boo" ) confirms this

In the Vorderpfalz it is, the legendary French general had " Rosambeau " told and you verballhornt his name very much malicious to " snot on Bo" ( snot on his leg ), so you sing here


Wherever " Meenzer Fassenacht " is celebrated, the Narrhalla march accompanied the invasion of handmade paper speakers. In his role as musical accompaniment of entrances and exits of Büttenredner Narrhalla the march is often demolished.

Among the " 111 biggest carnival hits", which provided the SWR television along with SWR4 in the Carnival 2009 season to choose from, the title reached number 27

An almost eight foreign use is the Narrhalla march at the home games of the first FSV Mainz 05, of the first bars of the march starts sounding a fanfare after every goal the home team.
