Neufchâtel cheese

The Neufchatel is a French cheese made ​​from pasteurized or raw cow's milk Normandy. It is a very old variety that is first documented in the year 1035. The cheese was awarded the Appellation d' Origine in 1969, which defines the quality requirements for this product and the manufacturing conditions. So the drained fracture must be kneaded into a uniform mass and the fraction pieces are added to pure, covered with mold lawn Neufchatel. Approved Manufacturing Categories Appellation d' Origine are Fermier, Artisanal and Industriel.

Characteristic of the Neufchatel are dry and velvety rind. The dough is compact and is on finger pressure. Is brought into the trade of cheese in six different sizes and shapes.

When wine goes with cheese a Pomerol or Saint -Emilion.
