New Port Richey, Florida

Pasco County


New Port Richey is a city in Pasco County in the U.S. state of Florida with 14,911 inhabitants ( 2010).


The city is adjacent to Port Richey and is located at Pithlachascotee River in the immediate vicinity of its mouth in the Gulf of Mexico. Tampa is located approximately 45 km southeast of the city.


According to the 2010 census, the then 14,911 inhabitants distributed to 8,693 households. The population density was 1274.4 inh. / Km ². 88.9 % of the population were white, 3.0% African American, 0.5% Native American and 1.4% Asian Americans. 3.4% were members of other ethnic groups and 2.7% in different ethnic groups. 11.2% of the population were Hispanic or Latino.

In 2010, children under the age of 18 and 36.7 % of all households lived in 22.0 % of all households with persons at least 65 years. 51.2 % of households were family households (consisting of married couples with or without offspring or a parent with offspring ). The average size of a household was 2.10 persons and the average family size is 2.77 people.

20.2% of the population were younger than 20 years, 22.2% were 20-39 years old, 27.2% were 40-59 years old and 31.6 % were at least 60 years old. The median age was 47 years. 48.1 % of the population were male and 51.9 % female.

The average annual income was $ 29,164, while 20.7 % of the population lived below the poverty line.

In 2000, English was the mother tongue of 90.07 % of the population spoke Spanish 5.45% and 4.48% had a different mother tongue.


A significant industry, there is not. The main employment sectors are: education, health and social services ( 21.1% ), science and administration (11.5%), finance, insurance and real estate (2.4%), arts, entertainment, sports, and restaurants ( 13.1 % ), construction ( 10.5%).


  • Pasco - Hernando Community College with over 2800 students
  • International School of Beauty


  • Community Hospital
  • North Bay Hospital


New Port Richey is crossed by U.S. Highway 19 and from Florida State Road 518. The nearest airport is Tampa International Airport ( some 45 km south-east ).


The crime rate in 2010 was 489 points ( U.S. average: 266 points ) in the high range. There were ten rapes, 42 robberies, 114 injuries, 353 burglaries, 501 thefts, 37 car thefts and three arson.
