Next of kin

When a family member is referred to a standing to another person or to a group of people in a special legal or sociological relationship person, if you want to highlight this special relationship. In most cases, persons are meant who are in close family or personal relationship. The term is further than that of the family. It includes in particular the (usually unrelated ) spouses or partners and in-laws people. Moreover, the term within the meaning of may " belong " also include people who belong in the living environment of the person concerned. The word for the individual comes in male and female form ( relative, relatives ), but is occasionally used mainly: the members, a Angehöriges.


According to § 11 ( Criminal Code ) this includes relatives and in a straight line, the spouse, the spouse, fiancé, also in the sense of the Civil Partnership Act, siblings, spouses or domestic partners of siblings, siblings of a spouse or life partner, even if the marriage or civil partnership, which has established the relationship that no longer exists or if the marriage or relationship has gone out, foster parents and foster children.

Civil law

The group of members can be described civilly similar, even though the term is not defined in the Civil Code, but is required.

Public law

In public law, the members term will, inter alia, in § 16 para 5 SGB X, in § 20 para 5 Administrative Procedures Act, in § 15 of the Tax Code and in KJHG in § 33, § 44 SGB VIII


In the Code of Civil Procedure can be found to the families out in § 383 ZPO.

Legal consequences

The legal system is linked to the legal narrower concept of a national rights ( evidentiary privilege, § 52 Code of Criminal Procedure ) and duties ( conduct in donations, § 530 BGB)

Colloquial language, other meanings

The colloquial use of the term members includes besides relatives and friends, acquaintances. Thus, neighbors, club members or officials can be summarized by Church Communities conceptually in a group name. Example, in the hospital, " the relatives of Mrs Müller visit on Sunday ... ". In technical terms this means that emotional relatives.

In addition, it is for use in a wider sense of belonging, for example, in compounds such as member of this or that interest group or member to be a minority.

Importance of nursing

The professional health and nursing supports and trains caregivers. In the hospital and nursing homes also take on trained volunteer volunteers, such as the green ladies individual functions that would otherwise do nationals, where they could regularly come to visit.
