Niccolò Acciaioli

Niccolò Acciaiuoli ( born September 12, 1310 in Montegufoni, part of Montespertoli; † November 8, 1365 in Naples ) of the family Acciaiuoli was important Italian statesman Count of Melfi, Grand Marshal of Naples and banker in Florence.

He first worked in the trading company of his father. In 1328 he married Margherita degli Spini. 1331 he went to Naples, where he quickly gained access to the court of King Robert of Anjou, entered the service of Catherine of Valois - Courtenay and her lover was. 1338-1341 he was in Greece, where he represented Catherine's rights. Because of his skills, he was appointed by the King for the Terra di Lavoro giustiziere and so began his political career.
