Nicola Zingarelli

Nicola Zingarelli ( born August 31, 1860 in Cerignola, † June 6, 1935 in Milan ) was an Italian philologist, lexicographer and linguist.

Life and work

Zingarelli studied at the University of Naples ( Laurea in Lettere 1882), in Breslau and Berlin and was a high school teacher until 1906 in Palermo, Campobasso, Ferrara and Naples. From 1906 to 1916 he was a professor of Romance literature at the University of Palermo, 1916-1932 ibid of Romance Philology at the University of Milan, and from 1932 for Italian literature. Zingarelli was involved in the Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani and gave the Rassegna della critica italiana letteratura out. In addition to a comprehensive work on Dante, he published studies on the Cid, Provencal troubadours, and the Orlando furioso. He was a member of the Accademia della Crusca and the Academy of the Arcadia ( from 1925 Accademia italiana letteraria ).

Zingarelli is mainly known for his Vocabolario della Lingua Italiana, which he began in 1912, 1917 and 1922, published in fascicles in a band (Milan, 1724 pages), with further editions supervised by him in 1924, 1928 and 1935, and since 1941 appears at Zanichelli. Since 1993 it is updated (eg 2010 as Lo Zingarelli 2011, Bologna 2010, 2720 pages) annually.

Writings (selection )

  • La vita e le opere di i tempi Dante, 2 volumes ( letteraria Storia d'Italia )
  • Dante e Roma. Roma 1895
  • Documentum liberalitatis: studio sulla nel Medio Evo lode della liberalita. Naples 1903
  • Per la genesi del poema del Cid: alcuni raffronti con la Cronica general. In: Rendiconti del Reale Istituto Lombardo di lettere e scienze, vol. 58 (1925 ), fasc. 16-20
  • Intorno a due Trovatori in Italia. Florence in 1899
  • Ricerche sulla vita e le rime di Bernart de Ventadorn. In: Studi medievali, vol. 1 (1905 ), pp. 594