Nzime language

Spoken in

  • Niger - Congo languages Benue - Congo languages Bantoide languages Bantu languages Koonzime




Koonzime (also Djimu, Dzimou, Kooncimo, Koozhime, Koozime, Nzime and Zimu ) is a Bantu language and is spoken by about 30,000 people in Cameroon ( census 2000).

It is distributed in the district of Haut- Nyong in the province Est among the people of Ndzimu. Many members of the people of the Baka use it as a second language.

About 2000 people can read Koonzime and about 50 people can write the language. It is taught in primary schools and there are radio programs in Koonzime.

It is written in the Latin script.


Koonzime is a Northwest Bantu language and is part of the Makaa - Njem group that is classified as Guthrie Zone A80.

She has the dialects Nzime (also Koonzime ) and Badwe'e (also Badjoue, Bajwe'e and Koozime ).
