Obolo language

Spoken in

Niger - Congo

  • Atlantic - Congo Southern Volta - Congo East Benue - Congo Bantoide Cross - Language Cross River


The language Obolo (also andone, andoni and andonni, ISO 639-3 is ann ) is a language that is spoken by about 200,000 inhabitants of the Nigerian states Rivers and Akwa Ibom.

The Obolo is one of the 23 languages ​​of Obolo language group within the Cross River languages.

There are several dialects, including the Eastern Obolo ( okoroete, ibot obolo ), the West Obolo ( Ataba, unyeada ) and the dialect Ngo. The Obolo now speak mostly English as a native language, some can still the second official language Igbo, but few learn in school the regional language Ibibio.


  • Ethnologue