Octave Uzanne

Louis- Octave Uzanne ( born September 14, 1851 in Auxerre, † 31 October 1931 in Saint-Cloud; pseudonyms: Jehan You Guet ​​, La Cagoule, Louis de Villotte ) was a French writer, bibliophile and publisher of precious books.

Life and work

Uzanne came from a middle class family from Auxerre in Burgundy. After his father's death, he received a classical education at the prestigious Collège Rollin in Paris. An inheritance in 1872 allowed him to devote himself to his literary inclinations.

He founded the magazines Miscellannées bibliographiques (1878-1880), Le Livre, bibliography Modern ( 1880-89 ), Le Livre Moderne, Revue du Monde Littéraire et des Bibliophiles Contemporains (1890 /91) and L'Art et L' Idée, Revue contemporaine du dilettantisme Littéraire et de la Curiosité (1892 /93).

In 1893 he undertook a journey to America, where he interviewed the President of the United States Grover Cleveland and the inventor Thomas Alva Edison and the World's Fair in Chicago attended.

1889 was Octave Uzanne co-founder of the Societé des bibliophiles contemporains, which in 1896 was followed by the Societé des Independants bibliophiles. In the illustration of which he edited for an elite group of bibliophiles books helped him as artist Félicien Rops, Paul Avril, Félix Vallotton and Albert Robida. Robida also served as co-author of the Contes pour les bibliophiles.

Uzanne worked on numerous newspapers and magazines, including La Plume, Le Figaro, L' Echo de Paris, The Studio and the Magazine of Art

A pioneer in the application of new technologies, such as color printing, he still detested the mass production and the consequent democratization of the book. After Silverman Uzanne is a paradoxical position on the one hand snobbish, reactionary dandy with a penchant for forgotten authors of the 17th and 18th centuries, on the other hand, an innovator of book art and the Bibliophile, the against the old guard of only antiquarian collecting, mostly aristocratic book lovers turned that were organized in the Société des Bibliophiles François. He held a variety of links to artists and patrons of Symbolism and Art Nouveau, including Jules Barbey d' Aurevilly, whose preface to Le Bric -à -Brac de l' amour 1880 opened the access to that world to him, the writer Jean Lorrain the painter James McNeill Whistler and the jewelry artists and representatives of Japonism Henri Vever.

Uzannes style is characterized by the use of anglicisms and neologisms eccentric.

Publications (selection)

  • Poètes de ruelles au XVIIe siècle ( Benserade, François Sarrazin, Mathieu de Montreuil ), 4 volumes, 1875-1878
  • Caprices d'un bibliophile, 1878 Internet Archive
  • Petits conteurs you XVIIIe siècle, 12 volumes, 1878-1883
  • Le bric -à -brac de l' amour; Pref. Jules Barbey d' Aurevilly de, 1879 Gallica
  • L' Éventail 1882 Gallica
  • L' Ombrelle, le Gant, le Manchon, 1883 Gallica
  • Son altesse la femme, 1885 Internet Archive
  • La Française du siècle, modes, mœurs, usages, 1886 Gallica
  • Nos Amis les livres sur la littérature cause factories curieuse et la librairie, 1886 Internet Archive
  • La reliure modern, artistique et fantaisiste, 1887
  • Les zigzags d'un curieux, cause factories sur l'art et la littérature des livres d'art, 1888 Gallica
  • Bouquinistes et bouquineurs, 1893 Gallica
  • La Femme et la mode, métamorphoses de la Parisienne de 1792 à 1892, 1893
  • Contes pour les bibliophiles, 1895 Gallica
  • Les Evolutions you bouquin: la Nouvelle Bibliopolis, voyage d'un novateur au pays the Neo- Icono - Bibliomanes, 1897
  • Monument Esthematique you XIXe siècle, les modes de Paris du goût et variations de l' esthéthique de la femme 1797-1897, 1898 Gallica
  • L'art dans la décoration des livres extérieure, 1898
  • Dictionnaire bibliophilosophique, typologique, iconophilesque, bibliopégique bibliotechnique et à l' usage of bibliognostes, the bibliomanes et des bibliophilistins, 1896
  • La Locomotion à travers l' histoire. Sports et transports, 1900
  • Les Deux Canaletto, 1907 Internet Archive
  • L'esprit de J. Barbey d' Aurevilly 1908 Gallica
  • Le célibat et l' amour de vie traité passion elle et de Dilection féminine, 1912 Gallica
  • Les Parfums et les à travers les fards âges, 1927

In German translation

  • The libraries of the future In: Journal for booklovers NF 4, 1912/13, pp. 65-69
  • Perfume and make-up through the ages, Geneva, 1927
  • The secret manners of the 18th century translated by Waltram. , Dresden, circa 1928
  • The Parisian: studies in the history of women, the society, the French gallantry and contemporary manners, translated by J. von Oppen, Dresden, 1929
  • The mysterious habits of the gallant century: savory events was bound from a frivolous time, Munich, 1982
  • Canaletto, New York, 2008