Oryol Oblast

52.8010536.4117Koordinaten: 52 ° 48 'N, 36 ° 25' O

The Oryol Oblast (Russian Орловская область / Orlowskaja oblast ) is an oblast in southwestern Russia.

The small Oblast is located in the East European Plain, the main river is the Oka, a tributary of the Volga. and in the food processing industry, the production predominates. The climate is with average winter temperatures of -8 to -10 degrees Celsius in January and about 18 to 19 degrees Celsius in June temperate continental.

Fertile black soils dominate the area, so that agriculture plays a central role. Accordingly, the food processing industry dominates the economy.


The first towns in the region, Mtsensk, Livny and Nowosil were, however, founded in the 12th century, Oryol until 1566.

Administrative divisions and cities

The Oryol Oblast is divided into 24 Rajons and three urban districts that are formed from the administrative center of the oblast, the only city of Orel, and the next largest cities Livny and Mtsensk. Altogether there are seven cities in the oblast and 13 settlements of urban type.
