Otto Schlüter

Otto Ludwig Karl Schlüter ( born November 12, 1872 in Witten / Ruhr, † October 12, 1959 in Halle ( Saale) ) was a German geographer who mainly dealt with settlement geography.


Schlüter was the son of a lawyer and completed his compulsory education in his native town. Schlüter began in Freiburg im Breisgau, geography, history, to study German philology and philosophy. In Freiburg he joined the Corps in 1891 at Rhenaniastraße. When he with the same subjects moved to the University of Halle in 1892, he was also active in the Corps Palaiomarchia.

In 1896 he finished his studies with a thesis on successful settlement geography with Prof. Alfred Kirchhoff. Since 1899 Assistant to the Geographical Society, he habilitated in 1906 in Berlin at the Friedrich- Wilhelms- University and was a lecturer at the Universities of Cologne and Bonn. On February 15, 1911, he was a Full Professor and Professor of the successor of Alfred Philippson in Halle.

1938 Professor Emeritus, Schlüter was entrusted again from 1948 to 1951 with a professorship of Geography, Cultural Landscape and methodology of geography. In 1952 he was Dr. rer. nat. H.C. the University of Leipzig. His final resting place is located on the Halle Lawrence Cemetery.


Schlüter was a member of several geographical societies and associations for geography; he was since 1923 a full member of the Leopoldina, was founded in 1943 as Vice President and 1952/53, as the successor to Emil Abderhalden President. His successor in 1954 was Kurt Mothes. 1953 appointed him the Academy "Honorary Member". The Berlin Geographical Society awarded him the occasion of the celebration of its 125th anniversary on May 2, 1953 ( rarely granted ) Golden Karl- Knight Medal.

Scientifically important are his achievements in the field of settlement geography. In 1952 he presented a map of the prehistoric settlements in Central Europe, although followed the old idea of ​​a relatively linear development, but the variability of the landscape showed impressive and so found its way into many textbooks.


Schlüter belonged politically to the right-wing camp. In 1912 he became a member of the Reich Colonial League, the Pan-German Association in 1915 and after the First World War, the German Nationalists protection and Trutzbunds. The end of 1918 he joined the German National People's Party.

Since 1935 he was a member of the National Socialist People's Welfare and the National Socialist Bund old boys at ..


Schlüter was in 1907 married to Margaret nee Heyer, a leader of the charitable movement. She died early. Two sons fell in the Second World War; the third was the city master builder in Hanover. Since 1948, the deeply religious Otto Schlüter lived alone.


  • Remarks on the settlement geography (1899 )
  • Settlement and land of the valley of the Unstrut of the Saxons Burger gate to the mouth (1896 )
  • Settlement areas of Central Europe in early times (1952-1954)
  • About the relationship between man and nature in Human Geography (1907 )
  • Objectives of the geography of the people (1906 )