Överkalix Municipality

Överkalix is a municipality (in Swedish kommun ) in the northern Swedish province Norrbotten County, in the historical provinces of Lapland and Norrbotten. The main town of the municipality is Överkalix.


The municipality is located in Överkalix Skandenvorland and extends approximately 80 km along the river and its tributaries Kalixälven Ängesån and Tvärån - Lansån - Skrövån. The heights on both sides of the river valleys are covered with coniferous forests and contain elongated wetlands. Through the village the road leads Europe 10

The municipality consists of the following villages ( tätorter ): Överkalix, Svartbyn, Tallvik and Vännäsberget.


The traditional sector of the community is that forestry companies such as AssiDomän and SCA Skog AB. Tourism has gained in the last few years.
