Passé composé

The Passé composé is a tense of the French language, which the German Perfect corresponds roughly. It is the vast Perfect form of spoken language. In the written language and the passé simple is sometimes used.


The passé composé is used to completed actions in the past to identify ( time-limited action, selective action). In these beginning and / or end of the action to be taken always in the look; it is for example the case of newly occurring actions:

  • Tout à coup le camion s'est renversé " Suddenly, the truck has turned over. "
  • Ce jour -là j'ai le raté bus " On this day, I missed the bus. "

It is also used for actions that have succeeded one another in the past:

  • D' abord, ma mère et petit déjeuner le a préparé ensuite, j'ai fait la vaisselle "At first my mother cooked breakfast and then I washed the dishes "

Also describes the passé composé active actions that have taken place in the past: * La falaise tombée est dans la mer " The rock crashed into the sea "

In contrast to the actions of such active Imparfait is used. A process described by this time Done form is then displayed without consideration of the beginning or end. It is therefore to state descriptions or actions contained in the course of the past.

With verbs of motion, indicating a direction, take être ( elle n'est pas allée ); with all other avoir ( il a fait un excursion à vélo ).


The passé composé consists of an auxiliary and a main verb. As an auxiliary verb avoir and used much less frequently être.

Participe passé

As a main verb participe passé is taken. In the " -er" verb group it ends in "- é". eg

  • Demander - demandé
  • Parler - parlé
  • Rester - residues

In the " ir" verb group it ends in " -i". eg

  • Rougir - rougi
  • Grandir - grandi

In the third verb group with the ending " - re" or " oir " it ends with " -u". eg

  • Rendre - rendu ( return )
  • Valoir - valu
  • Vouloir - voulu

Irregular verbs are:

  • Acquérir - acquis ( purchase )
  • Boire - bu ( drink )
  • Connaître - connu ( know )
  • Courir - couru ( run )
  • Croire - cru ( to believe )
  • Devoir - dû (have to)
  • Dire - dit ( say )
  • écrire - écrit ( Write )
  • être - ( be ) été
  • Faire - fait ( make )
  • Fuir - fui ( flee )
  • Joindre - joint ( Add )
  • Lire - lu (read)
  • Mettre - mis ( place, put, set )
  • Mourir - mort ( die )
  • ( to be born ) né - naître
  • Peindre - peint ( paint )
  • Plaire - plu ( fallen)
  • Pouvoir - pu ( can )
  • Prendre - pris ( take )
  • Recevoir - (receive) reçu
  • Résoudre - Résolu ( decide )
  • Rire - ri ( laugh )
  • Savoir - su ( to know )
  • Suivre - suivi ( to follow)
  • Vaincre - vaincu ( defeat )
  • Valoir - valu ( be worth apply )
  • Venir - venu ( coming)
  • Vivre - vécu ( live )
  • Voir - vu ( see)

Avoir or être

There are with être and avoir two auxiliary verbs that are used according to certain rules. Is the main verb, a so-called movement of the verb (e.g. monter, venir ) or a reflexive verb (e.g. se lever ), a conjugated form of être is used as an auxiliary. In addition, still form the passé compose mourir naître and also with être. Here is a list of all non- reflexive verbs, in which the passé composé is formed with être:

For this there are the following mnemonic:

Or also:

Or also:

In all other cases, is formed with a conjugated form of avoir passé composé the.

The person used according to the conjugated auxiliary verb is always in the present tense, from the actual main verb participe passé is used.

In negating constructs only the auxiliary verb is negated. The so-called denial clip ne .. pas thus encloses only the auxiliary verb.

Example of intransitive use:

Je suis sorti ( e) avec une amie. " I went out with a friend " ( intransitive use)

But J'ai le chien sorti. "Walking with the dog for a walk. "

Nichtreflexive verbs

  • Auxiliary verb is être

The shape of the Participe passé is always with respect to number (singular or plural) and gender ( male or female) adjusted for non-reflexive verbs to the subject ( noun or personal pronoun ) of the set by an appropriate suffix ( Accord ) is appended to the verb form.

  • Auxiliary verb is avoir

The shape of the passe composé is changed only in two cases: first when the verb precedes the direct object pronouns. 2 when the object of the sentence is illustrated by a relative clause. Then the main verb as at être is also changed by a suffix. Does not change the verb form, if only an indirect object pronouns ( lui, leur ) precedes.


J'ai écrit une lettre. "I have written a letter. "

La lettre que j'ai écrite " The letter which I have written "

Ils se sont parlé. "You have spoken to each other. "

Reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs behave like verbs form the passé composé with avoir. They are, although they are formed with the auxiliary verb être, modified only according to the preceding direct object pronouns. Since reflexive verbs always include a pronoun, one must be careful to distinguish whether it is direct or indirect.


Elle s'est Lavée. "She's got washed up "

Elle s'est Lavé les mains. "She has washed his hands. "

  • French language
  • French grammar