Pedro Calungsod

Pedro Calungsod (c. 1654 to the Visayas, probably in Cebu, Philippines, † April 2, 1672 on Guam, now United States) was a Filipino Laienkatechet and martyrs of the Catholic Church.

Pedro is known about his life before his little missionary work, was educated at a Jesuit school. From 1668 accompanied Pedro as a catechist Jesuits on a trip funded by the Spanish Queen Regent Maria Anna of Austria, to evangelize the Islands Mariana Islands. In 1672, he and his companion were killed by a chief of the Chamorro on the island of Guam, because you baptized against his will his daughter. Supposedly Pedro had the chance to escape, but he wanted to stay with his companion instead. After the murder, his battered body was thrown into the sea.

Pope John Paul II spoke to him on March 5, 2000 blessed. Pope Benedict XVI. canonized him on October 21, 2012.

Pictures of Pedro Calungsod
