Peter Blum

Peter Blum ( born May 4, 1925 in Trieste, † December 5, 1990 in London) was a South African writer of European origin.


Peter Blum in 1937 at the age of 12 years with his family to South Africa. After schooling in Johannesburg, he studied at the University of Cape Town. Blum, who spoke several languages ​​fluently, worked as a translator. So he translated all the works of Guillaume Apollinaire. He wrote numerous works, mainly essays and poems in afrikaans. Due to his critical writings, the South African society concerning the citizenship he was denied, so he moved to London in 1960. For his most famous work is "dead steenbok poolsee " ( written in 1955 ) he received the prestigious Dutch Reina Prinsen Geerlings Prijs.
