Peter Canisius

Peter Canisius, Canisius and / Kanijs / Kanis, Peter de Hondt ( born May 8, 1521 Nijmegen, duchy of Guelders as Pieter Kanijs, † December 21, 1597 in Fribourg, Switzerland), saint and Doctor of the Church, was a theologian and writer of 16. century, the first Dutch Jesuit and influential spiritual and political champion of the counter-Reformation. The first Catholic catechisms go back to him.


Peter Canisius was the son of the mayor of Nijmegen. The birthplace of Nijmegen at the time was in the diocese of Cologne and the Holy Roman Empire. On the day of his birth, the imperial ban was imposed on Martin Luther in Worms.

As the eighth member of the Order of young Peter Canisius went to his 22nd birthday on May 8, 1543 a with the Jesuits founded a few years earlier and put in the rectory of St. Christoph in Mainz his vows. As the first German provincial Order (1556-1569), he founded the significant influence of the Jesuits in the Counter-Reformation in Germany.

In January 1547 he was appointed the Bishop of Augsburg, Cardinal Otto Steward of Waldburg, the Council of Trent. Around this time he began to use the Latinized form of his name.

He was rector and professor of theology at the University of Ingolstadt (now Ludwig- Maximilians- University of Munich) and was one of the first Jesuits, who were ordered from 1551 to Vienna to promote the Counter-Reformation. The episcopate he declined the appointment as Administrator of the Diocese of Vienna for the years 1554 to 1555, he accepted, preached in February 1556 in the crowded St. Stephen's Cathedral and led the new cathedral architect Hans Saphoy into his office. As a result, the holding of Lutheran worship was strictly forbidden in private citizens homes and the City Hall.

Canisius developed a keen work in southern Germany, because both Emperor Ferdinand I and Pope Gregory XIII. entrusted him with the church policy.

Attention to Peter Canisius created by his amiable nature, never let him speak of heretics or heresy, but empathetic of " new teachers " and "new teachings". However Ecclesiastical abuses he denounced sharp and clear. His Catechism, which appeared in 1555 under the title Summa doctrinae christianae was intended as a response to Martin Luther and was alone until his death in 200 times reprinted and imported by the Prince-Bishop of Augsburg, Johann Otto From 1591 Gemmingen in the schools of his sphere of influence.

Nevertheless, he was a ruthless advocate of the persecution of witches. In his eloquent sermons Augsburg he made the alleged witches for weather and crop failures responsible and threw them among other things, Infanticide and cannibalism before. This led to a change in sentiment in favor of the prosecution advocate in the previously rather cosmopolitan and humanist Augsburg. Wolfgang Behringer sees in Canisius ' sermons of the 1560s a major cause of the recent outbreak of the witch craze in Central Europe after a latency period of two generations.

In his last years he founded in 1580 in the Swiss Fribourg, the College of St Michael. After the expulsion of the Jesuits from Switzerland in Sonderbundskrieg the college had to be closed. The Jesuits erected again until 1856, the College Stella Matutina in Feldkirch and 1934, the College of St. Blaise. After his death, Peter Canisius was buried in the Fribourg University Church of St. Michael.

In 1864 he was beatified in 1925 by Pope Pius XI. canonized and named Doctor of the Church. Leo XIII. referred to him, in the encyclical Militantis ecclesiae (1 August 1897) to mark the 300th anniversary of his death, as the " Second Apostle of Germany " by Boniface.

His bust -up took place in the hall of fame in Munich.

He is patron of the Diocese of Innsbruck in 1964 set up.

In 1900, the Canisiusgasse was named after him in Vienna Alsergrund (9th district), it is there also the Canisius Church.


  • Cologne Taulerdruck ( as editor ), 1543 (see Meister Eckhart )
  • Summa doctrinae christianae, 1555
  • Catechism minimus ( Small Catechism ), 1556 ( online in German language ( version of July 17, 2007 at the Internet Archive ) )
  • Parvus Catechism Catholicorum, 1558
  • Short epitome of Christian doctrine edition 1826 and the Catechism of the Catholic Christian religion into three divisions edition 1833


  • Catholic: December 21 ( Not optional memorial in the general Roman calendar ) in German-speaking laid on April 27 ( Not optional memorial in the regional calendar for the German -speaking area )

Bauer rule

The name- the corresponding Bauer rule is:

"Did St. Peter the weather is nice, you can singers cabbage and peas. "


The saint is the patron saint of the Catholic school organization in Germany and the Diocese of Innsbruck.

In addition, the cath. Parish church in Sedelsberg, community Saterland, since 1936, after the construction of the wooden makeshift church in 1929, St.. Consecrated Petrus Canisius.

Other churches that bear his name are in Gonsenheim -Mainz, Alzen Bach, Recklinghausen, Hohnhorst / Lindhorst with Bokeloh and Sachsenhagen and Friedrichshafen. Many other Canisius churches are named after him, also in Nijmegen.


The attributes of the Holy count of the dead skull, the crucifix and the Catechism.

Bible translation

A Dutch translation of the Bible of the Roman Catholic Church in the Netherlands, the Petrus Canisius translation ( larger needles: Peter Canisiusvertaling ), published in 1939, is named after him.
