Peziza micropus

Kurzstieliger cup Ling

The Short-stalked cups Ling ( Peziza micropus ) is a mushroom of the family of Pezizaceae.


Macroscopic characteristics

The Short-stalked cups Ling is bowl - to shallow cup-shaped apothecia from which to stretch out mostly flat in old age. The cup having a short central shaft and reach a width of 4 to 12 cm. The hymenium is pale to dark ocher-brown, the outside is always paler and finely kleiig. The consistency of the fruit body is fragile. The smell is spicy, reminiscent of the morel.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are smooth, hyaline, elliptical, and 14 to 16 × 8.5 to 10 microns in size. The asci are cylindrical and are 220 ​​to 270 × 12 to 14 microns in size. The paraphyses are filiform, swollen partly suddenly. In the middle of Trama is a fine Hyphenlage that divides the Trama into two halves. This feature divides the Kuzstielige cup Ling with other species and the like can already be seen with a magnifying glass.


The Short-stalked peel fungus occurs on strong vermorschtem, but also more solid wood. It is not rare in Central Europe. It grows in the spring and in autumn.
