
- 7:42 - 42.9Koordinaten: 7 ° S, 43 ° W

Piauí (abbreviation: PI ) is a state in northeastern Brazil.


Piauí borders the Brazilian states of Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia and Maranhão.

Piaui is the third- largest state in the Northeast. Located in a transition region has Piauí on different landscapes with specific climate and different vegetation.

The only 66 kilometers of coastline with mangrove forests and a tropical climate with temperatures bearable. In contrast, the interior featuring a semi-arid climate and high temperatures. The rainy season lasts from December to April. It is dominated by savannas and steppes, Cerrado, and dry areas with bush and thorn plants.


The largest towns are with their population figures from 1 July 2004:

  • Teresina - 775 477
  • Parnaíba - 140 190
  • Picos - 70 211
  • Piripiri - 61 637
  • Floriano - 56.180
  • Barras - 42 288
  • Campo Maior - 41 958
  • Uniao - 41 617
  • Altos - 38,087
  • Pedro II - 37,158
  • Esperantina - 35 353
  • Oeiras - 34,760
  • Jose de Freitas - 34,606
  • Miguel Alves - 30,962


Piaui is the only state in the Northeast, where the settlement was from the interior ago. End of the 17th century ranchers settled in search of new pastures. Soon, huge cattle ranches developed. After the expulsion of the Jesuits many farms reverted to Portugal and were abandoned.


Piaui is one of the poorest states. About half of the population lives in cities. There are no significant industry. With tax incentives, it is nevertheless able to improve the infrastructure. Agriculture is dominated by the cattle are grown beans, corn, rice, cassava, soybean and sugar cane, but not in sufficient quantity.
