Pittosporum resiniferum

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Pittosporum resiniferum is a plant of the genus Pittosporum ( Pittosporum ) within the family of Klebsamengewächse ( Pittosporaceae ). It is native to the Philippines; especially in the immediate vicinity of Mayon Volcano.


Your name petroleum nut is down to its petroleum -like odor. Discharges to the fruits of Pittosporum resiniferum, so they burn with a bright flame and can be used as a light source. They are equally well suited for the production of biofuel. Can resiniferum from the oil of Pittosporum are obtained by distilling very pure n -heptane.


Pittosporum resiniferum grows a tree.


  • James A. Duke: Handbook of Energy Crops; 1983, online at New Crop at Purdue University. ( Description section )