Pochayiv Lavra

The Holy Ascension Monastery of Pochaiv (Ukrainian Св'ято - Успенська Почаївська Лавра / Swjato - Uspenska Potschajiwska Lavra ) is a monastery in the city Pochaiv in Ukraine.

The monastery in Pochaiv founded in the 16th century and until the beginning of the 18th century one of the centers of the struggle of the Russian Orthodox Church to Catholicism and Eastern Catholic Church in Ukraine. 1618 a monastic rule ( типография / typohrafyja ) was introduced in the monastery. 1720 the monastery was transferred to the Uniate Basilian monastic order of. After the subjugation of the Polish uprising of 1830-1831, the monastery of the Russian Orthodox clergy was passed, and in 1833 it was awarded the honorary title of Lavra.

At the monastery territory are outstanding architectural buildings and monuments: the monks' cells ( 1771-80 ), the Baroque Uspenski Cathedral ( Assumption Cathedral, 1771-1782, architect Gottfried Hofmann ), the Archdiocesan Building (1825 ), the bell tower ( 1861-69, height 65 m ), the gate building (1835 ), the Troitsky Cathedral ( Trinity Cathedral, 1906-1912, architect Alexei Shchusev ) is a church in the neo-Russian style ( 1906).

The monastery belongs today to the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, which also maintains a spiritual seminar here.
