Porta Sempione

The Arco della Pace ( Arch of Peace ) is a triumphal arch in Piazza Sempione in the area of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. Built in neo-classical style, begun in 1807, in 1838, completed form should remember first on the fame of Napoleon and then to the European peace of 1815.

The planned by Luigi Cagnola 25 m high building the monumental aspect of the Porta Sempione was already completed about two-thirds, as the Kingdom of Italy Napoleon fell and the work was stopped. They were continued until 1826, under Emperor Franz I,. and the work dedicated to the peace of 1815. After the death of Luigi Cagnola ( 1833) Francesco Londonio and Francesco Peverelli took over the building. At the opening ceremony of Emperor Ferdinand I. was present.

On June 8, 1859, four days after the battle of Magenta here attracted the victorious French and Italian troops in Milan.
