
Přešťovice ( German Prestowitz ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic. It is located five kilometers northeast Strakonic and belongs to Okres Strakonice.


Přešťovice is on the left of the Otava at the inflow Rohozná in Šumava foothills. To the east rises the Brdo (508 m ) in the south lies on the wide, interspersed with artesian wells Otava river bed of the hill Vrch (417 m). North of the village is the current supplied by the Rohozná pond Velky přešťovický fishpond.

Neighboring towns are Rohozná in the north, Kbelnice in the northeast, Slatina in the east, and Štěkeň Čejetice to the southeast, and Sedlíkovice Modlesovice in the south, and Hajská Slaník the southwest, Řepice in the west and Rovná in the northwest.


Oldest part of the village is Kbelnice which can be detected since 1360, was listed as Stepan of Radomyšl as the owner of five hooves country. Kbelnice was submissive since 1384 the Rosenbergs on the Helfenburg. Until 1419 there was still a Kbelnice Vladikengut.

Přešťovice was created in 1397 and was until the abolition of patrimonial regimes in 1848, always to rule Štěkeň belonging.

Owner of the rule were 1412-1610 the Říčanský Říčany, then made ​​multiple changes of ownership. After the Battle of White Mountain, the rule was confiscated in 1622 from the estate of Jan Malovci Malovice. 1648 acquired the previously immigrated from Switzerland to Bohemia in the year nobles January Anton Losy of Losinthal Štěkeň with the associated villages Řepice, Mladějovice, Přešťovice, Čejetice, Droužetice, Přeborovice, Brusy, Cehnice, Dunovice, Netonice, Radějovice, Paračov, Kuřimeny, Sudkovice and Černěkov by Johann Anton, Prince of Eggenberg. After his death in 1682, inherited by his son Johann Baptist Štěkeň. This passed away in 1683 and the legacy came to his brother Johann Anton Losy of Losinthal. 1720 handed over the reign to his son Adam Philipp. After Adam Philipp Graf Losy had died of Losinthal on April 21, 1781 without descendants in Vienna, his widow, Ernestine Countess Fuchs of Bimbach inherited the rule. They sold the property in the same year to Joseph Niklas zu Windisch -Graetz. He was succeeded in 1802 by his son Alfred I. zu Windisch -Graetz.

1848 Přešťovice became an independent municipality.

Community structure

The municipality consists of the villages Přešťovice Brusy ( Bruss ), Kbelnice ( Kbelnitz ) and Přešťovice ( Prestowitz ) and the settlement Slatina (peat ).


  • Chapel on the village square, built in 1805