Province of A Coruña

The Spanish province of A Coruña is part of the Autonomous Region of Galicia and is located in the extreme northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Capital is La Coruna ( Galician, Spanish La Coruña), the eponymous largest city. Also, Santiago de Compostela, the destination of the pilgrimage heard as historic and tourist especially important city to the province.


The province of A Coruña is bordered to the east by the province of Lugo, in the south of the province of Pontevedra ( limit of the Ulla River ) and in the north and west by the Atlantic Ocean. It occupies an area of ​​7876 km ². The province is of a widely ramified system is not very high mountains crisscrossed (up to 800 m). The ragged coastline is characterized by rocky shores and deep into the countryside, reaching fjördahnlichen bays ( Rías Altas in the north and northwest, Rías Baixas in the southwest ). The many coastal rivers usually have a short barrel. Among the most important rivers include Tambre and Ulla in the south of the province.


The climate of the province is dominated by the Atlantic Ocean and is accordingly mild and wet. Characteristic are frequent precipitation, especially in winter. Both summer and winter are very mild. In summer the average temperature is 20 ° C, in winter at 10 ° C.


The province has at 1 January 2007 1,129,141 inhabitants. Approximately 413,000 of these live in the three major cities of the province: A Coruña, Ferrol and Santiago de Compostela.

Biggest Towns

Mancomunidades with its member communities

Mancomunidades are voluntary associations of various communities. Comparisons source.

( in brackets the Galician name, if different from the Spanish )

Mancomunidad de Auga de los Concellos de Muros y Carnota ( Mancomunidade de Auga dos Concellos Carnota de Muros e )

Mancomunidad de Bergantiños

Mancomunidad de la Comarca de Compostela ( Mancomunidade da Comarca de Compostela )

Mancomunidad " Comarca de Finisterre ( Mancomunidade " Comarca de Fisterra " )

Mancomunidad de Concellos de la Comarca de Ferrol ( Mancomunidade de Concellos da Comarca de Ferrol )

Mancomunidad de Concellos " Sierra del Barbanza ( Mancomunidade de Concellos " Serra do Barbanza " )

Mancomunidad de Concellos do Tambre ( Mancomunidade de Concellos do Tambre )

Mancomunidad de municipios del Área de A Coruña ( Mancomuniad del Área da Coruña)

Mancomunidad de municipios del Área de Santiago de Compostela

Mancomunidad de municipios de la Comarca de Órdenes ( Mancomunidad de municipios da Comarca de Orde )

Mancomunidad de municipios Ría de Arosa Zona Norte

Mancomunidad " Val del Ulla " ( Mancomunidad " Val do Ulla " )

Mancomunidad " Xallas - Tines- Tambre "
