Rabi' al-thani

The Rabi ʿ ath - thani (Arabic ربيع الثاني, DMG Rabī ʿ u t- Tani ), also Rabi ʿ al - Achir ( ربيع الآخر, DMG Rabī ʿ u l - Ahir ) or Rabi ʿ II, is the fourth month of the Islamic calendar. The month following the Rabi ʿ al - Auwal and is detached from the Dschumada l - ula.


Rabi ʿ ath - thani means " second month of spring "; the name comes from the time when the calendar was a solar. In Rabi ʿ ath - thani there is no valid for all Muslims hard - in Cairo birth Husain is on the fourth day of the month celebrated. The Monatselfte is within the Qadiriyyah the anniversary of the tariqa 's founder, Abd al -Qadir al - Jilani; in Sindhi carries the entire month derived therefrom, the designation Yarhin ( " eleven ").

The first and the eleventh day of the month shall apply to some as negative days.
